Governance and Board Effectiveness
Merlin will make a difference to your organisational performance and nowhere will we make more impact than in the boardroom. Because without effective strategic leadership and sound corporate governance, your business will be underperforming and undervalued.
Corporate Governance is an often misused and misunderstood term that is vital to running any successful enterprise – ensuring delivery of the business purpose to produce return in an appropriate way. Unfortunately, it is often highlighted in relation to spectacular failure of leadership and delivery, or only considered in detail when exit is on the horizon.
Effective governance is certainly about processes and procedures, good practice, and compliance. But fundamentally it is about ensuring that what you believe is being done is what is actually happening.
The strategy and tactics determined at board level need to be delivered in reality and the board needs to ensure that they are. All too often it is only when problems arise that these failures are exposed – think Enron or Wirecard or even some football clubs.
Whatever the size and structure of the organisation there will be a group of people who are responsible for determining the strategy and overseeing its implementation – whether identified formally as “the board” or “directors” or not.
If you lead or are part of a board, there are many questions you should be asking: Is your board effective? Do your non-execs add value? Do you have the right structures? Are the right people around the table? Is your organisation able to deal with crisis? Are your internal relationships working? Do you make best use of your board’s time? Is the Chair effective? Do you operate in a positive culture portraying appropriate values and behaviours? Is the board satisfied with its performance?
At Merlin we recognise the challenges that these individuals and groups face. These challenges are growing almost daily, increasing the skills and knowledge requirement of boards and individual directors.
In response, we offer support for both the individual and the board as an entity, helping you grow and develop to improve your performance, leading to significantly increased impact and in turn delivering increased success for the business.
Effective governance is certainly about processes and procedures, good practice, and compliance. But fundamentally it is about ensuring that what you believe is being done is what is actually happening.